How to LOSE THE belly fat in menopause

How to Lose the Belly Fat in Menopause

There is a lovely body composition change that happens to women in menopause. It’s like someone flips a switch and your shape starts to shift. The pads that used to be on your hips and your bottom half start migrating to your belly. And you think, what the freak is happening???

The change in the way your body stores fat in menopause is due to hormones. As your ovaries stop producing estrogen, your body gets a bit freaked out and tries to convert estrogen from another source. The way it makes up the deficit hormonally is fat. The peripheral conversion of fat produces a form of estrogen.

The following are some lifestyle and diet changes that will help you lose the belly fat in menopause. Here are some tips that actually work:

-Increase fiber, daily

-Eat high quality protein

-Include fatty fish rich in Omega in your diet, at least once a week

-Decrease consuming foods with added sugars, try to stay below 20g a day

-Decrease consuming foods with refined starches, cut out the processed foods

-Move your body, take a 30 minute walk daily

-Weight resistant work out, 2-3x a week

-Get 7+ hours of sleep at night 

Try these tips, and say bye bye belly! 


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