Boost your energy

Boost Your Energy

Do you ever feel like you need a nap after breakfast? 

Yep, I used to. First thing in the morning, I would eat a bowl of cereal, or an english muffin with jam, or a protein bar if I was running late (frequently). I would drink tea, sweetened with a little honey. Yum. Which would give me a surge of energy. I felt pretty good!

But then, an hour or two later, it would hit me……

I would start to feel sluggish, like I was losing energy, and slowing way down. Welcome mid morning slump. And I would think, I could really use a nap!

I would start my day with a blood sugar high, to fight fatigue, and get me going. And what always follows a blood sugar spike, is a crash. And since I didn’t have the time to actually take a nap, I would reach for a sugary or refined starchy snack. Which would perk me up again. I would quickly feel energized, but only for an hour or so….and then the cycle would continue - sugar high, sugar crash. I got tired of this up and down in my energy level, and decided to make a change to my morning routine.

I quit eating refined starchy and sugary foods first thing in the morning. I ate protein, fiber, and complex carbs instead. Like eggs, bacon, veggies, and fruit. I replaced the honey in my tea with monkfruit (which doesn’t spike blood sugar)  I had more consistent energy through out the day. I felt so much better!

Blood sugar stability not only helps to keep your energy level stable, it is also vital to good health. It helps to prevent type 2 diabetes, inflammation, heart disease, and weight gain.


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